The Carmel Dads' Club offers a fun, challenging and competitive environment for advanced players who are ready to hone in on their basketball skills. We will focus on player development and improving each participant’s fundamentals and knowledge of the game.
LADY PUPS TRAVEL BASKETBALL GRADES 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Grades.
Tryouts will begin in late August. There are usually 2 rounds of tryouts for each grade depending on the number of players being evaluated. It is expected that all players will attend all rounds of tryouts for their grade if at all possible. The strongest players in each round will be invited back to the next round of tryouts.
The Pups season begins in late October and may continue into March for regular season games and tournaments.
The intent is to have the 8 strongest players play on the Gold team, the next 8 strongest players play on the Blue team, the next 8 play on the White team, and the next 8 play on the Grey team for each grade. It is the evaluators and coaches discretion to place 9 players on a team and/or balance the teams within the grade level.
The maximum recommended number of games by the program is 40 games for 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders; 50 games for 5th graders and 60 games for 6th graders.
Based in part on a high demand for court time across multiple sports and age groups, Pups teams will typically practice 2 nights per week for 1 1/2 hours per night. Practices are generally held at Aletto Family Sports Center. Typically the younger teams (2nd-4th grades) get the earlier times and the older teams (5th & 6th grade) get the later times.
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